Kirsten over at
Confessions of a Naptime Stamper tagged me TWICE! Once so that I can list my top 5 blogs and once to tell you 10
weird things about me. Most everyone has been tagged already so I am listing some blogs that I frequent that you may not have seen yet.
Belinda's Stamping SpaceInking AloudKim's Basement StampingStamping 101Paula PondersAnd 10
weird things about me... well,
weird is a strong word but I will play anyways.
1. I am a big crybaby! I even cry at
2. I only knew my husband for a month when we got engaged.
3. I only knew him 3 months when we got married.
4. I cannot stand for people to touch my belly
5. I love Disney music.
6. I am a very organized person, but my stamp room is a disaster.
7. When putting things in alphabetical order I often think in Spanish.
8. When packing up my house I assigned each room a color ( living room = green, kitchen = yellow
etc.) and then put that color tape on the outside of the box.
9. I describe colors using
Stampin' Up! names. Like, " she was wearing a Ballet Blue Shirt and a Pretty in Pink necklace."
10. I did not want kids when I was growing up. Now I have 3 and plan to
homeschool them all.