Lots of reasons to be happy around here.
1. We no longer have the flu!!!
2. We are out of debt, except for the house.
3. It is 70 degrees outside.
4. I just went over 45,000 hits.
5. This is post #100.
6. I got to stamp.
7. Blog Candy!

Since this is my 100th post and I just past 45,000 hits I wanted to celebrate with some blog candy. So post a comment on this post telling me your favorite thing about spring and I will pick from all the comments on Sunday, March 16th. The winner will get a copy of the January edition of Cards (the one I was published in), some SEI Holly Lane ribbon and some Russell Stover Private Reserve Triple Chocolate Mousse candy! I look forward to hearing from you.

i love hearing the birds chirping in the spring.
annette warkentin
You do have lots of reasons to be happy!! My favorite things about Spring is that everything greens up and the weather warms up. I love seeing the green trees and all of the plants coming back to life - and not having to wear a sweater anymore!
My favourite thing has to be daffadils - they just represent spring here, and I know that the weather will soon get even better, and it's getting lighter. And more flowers are on the way!
Woohoo! What a wonderful list of reasons to be happy!
I just LOVE watching the bulbs come up in the spring. We have daffodils, hyacinth, tiny little crocus, dutch tulips... I love to check on them every day!
Congratulations on your hits, my favorite part of spring is the air, it has a special smell that say spring.
Lots of happy news! That's great!! With spring comes blooming flowers and warm days -- I can't wait to be able to hike and spend some time outdoors!
I'm so happy that you are happy!!! I love that our snow is finally melting!!! Got up to 40 degrees today - whoooo hoooo!!! After 90+ inches of snow this year, spring is more than welcome to come!!! :)
Cheryl KVD
Congrats, that's a lot of good things happening for you guys! Love the card too, very cute! My favorite thing about spring is that the cold, harsh Texas winter is behind me! Hooray!
Those are excellent reasons to be happy! Congratulations on all accounts!
My favorite thing about spring is Lily of the Valley! It is my absolutely positively favorite flower! My husband tried to get some so that when he proposed to me he could present them to me but they were out of season so he got me a silk arrangement instead that I have to this day!
Thanks for the try at some very cool blog candy!
You have a great gratitude list. I sure hope spring arrives soon--it has been a very loooooooooooooong winter! I love spring flowers especially tulips and can't wait for the robins to appear. darlene
djstamper 2003 at yahoo.com
Julie, congrats on your milestones, and on having so many things to be happy about! Isn't it wonderful?! My favorite part of spring is that the flowers are starting to bloom!
The best thing about spring is the opportunity to see what creations pop up in the yards, see the smile on childrens faces when they can finally play outside again, ride bikes/motorcycles and enjoy the beatiful country we all live in, and be able to share our love of stamping outside in the warm weather. I even enjoy a rainy day knowing that it will nurish the soil and bring beautiful flowers. There is also nothing better than kissing your love ones in the rain and playing in puddles with children! Happy Stamping to all!!
quick and easy...I love your card very...!
Love your blog. You have lots of reasons to be happy! I love seeing the first signs of life, our daffodills coming up. We have to tiny little ones that popped up this last weekend. No blooms yet, but nice to see them do that!
One word...TULIPS!
awesome candy......the fresh smell of Spring in the air, the feeling of the spring sun, the flowers popping their little heads through the ground, the birds singing, the warmth....sorry, just couldn't stop at one hehe...keep being happy!
I love to hear the birds chirping in the morning and watch all of the trees and flowers come to life.
Thanks for offering the blog candy!
Wow, congrats on that list of things to be happy about!!! Good stuff on there!
Hmm...Spring..love that I don't have to take a coat with me everywhere I go, and the the green leaves and flowers on the trees start budding.
GREAT giveaway, thanks for the chance!
I love to be able to open up the windows and let the fresh air in! Hearing the birds is another favorite. They sing so pretty. Congratulations on your hits! and being over the flu!
Thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy and yummy chocolate! Snow is melting here.......slowly.But spring is finally coming!
What could be better than stamping and chocoalte, a couple of the things I and greatful for. Some of the other things will be nice weather, opening the windows and letting the cats out to play.
What a great list of reasons to be happy!
My favorite thing about Spring is the smells that happen as everything is coming back to life after the snow.
Whoo Hoo! Congrats to you with your blog! My favorite part about Spring is that there is no more ~COLD~ weather; and I love watching my flowers emerge into life from their dormant winter stay. Keep up the good work!
The warmth of the sun, being able to get out in my garden to work, the "peacefullness" of it. New life, rebirth. Thanks for the great blog candy!
Mary P.
You have great reasons to be happy! Congratulations! My favorite thing about spring is being able to work in my garden. I miss it desperately!
You have a wonderful blog. Congratulations on all the hits. My favorite thing about spring is the fresh smell of the air and the sounds of the birds in the morning.
Julie - glad you're feeling better - sounds like you're having a great day! My favorite thing about spring is getting to wear open-toed shoes again, and getting that first pedicure!! :-) have a great day -
Beth (tired mommy to a busy 4.5 yr old)
70 Degrees?!?! WOW!! Favoreite thing about spring, well I LOVE the GREEN grass and flowers...color I guess you could say! No more drab colors!! CONGRATS on the hits and posts!
Thanks for the chance to win some fun goodies.
Wow, not only blog candy but real candy - what an awesome gift! I love to see the crocus blooming, the lilac bush getting buds and the forsythia turning yellow!
More daylight and lilacs!!! Thanks for a chance to win and congrats on your milestone!
Congratulations of all of your success and accomplishments, what a great list! :) What I love about spring huh? It's a good day to ask, because I have had a week of beautiful spring weather and then today is just ICK! So, I love waking up to sunshine, sitting in the sun reading, walking the dog, flowers and trees blooming, working in the yard and being able to BBQ! I LOVE the spring, it's my favorite time of the year! Plus, it's time for my birthday and anniversary! What a great time of year!
I love the flowers and the hope that we'll soon be able to have breakfast outside!
Wow, you have lots to be happy about!! My favorite part of spring is being able to open the windows for the first time and feel the cool sprin breeze blowing through the house.
Congrats on all the good news. I'm jealous of the 70-degree weather. It was snowing here yesterday! I love the fresh smell in the house once all the windows are open. Thanks for the candy op.
Congratulations on your accomplishments here. You do great work! When the weather warms up I really love all the beautiful flowers in bloom!
The tulips in my front flower bed but more importantly, the snow melting.
I like so many things about spring, warmer weather, birds, spring green...my favorite has to be the spring flowers; they just make me smile. jmniffer
Congratulations on being published! I'd love a chance to win the copy and goodies. My favorite thing about spring is that it means that there's not too much time left till i can sink my hands into the warm earth of my flower garden.
my favorite thing about Spring is the new farm animals-calves and chicks. Also love the flowers that will be blooming soon esp the tulips.
Great Reasons To Be Happy!!
Spring for me - has to be the sound of the kids playing on the street after being couped up for so long.
You do have alot to be thankful for. congradulations. you deserve it.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing the 3 and 4 year old children at my church dressed in all the spring colors . There is just something about seeing them clean, polished and in pastel yellows, mint greens, pinks, and purples with their rosie little cheeks and sweet smiles that reminds me of what spring is all about. New life and new beginnings
Jennifer Nelson
I love the smell of the spring flowers, the beautiful color of the azaleas, the sound of the birda singing and the laughter of the kids playing outside.
Congrats! Life brings so many blessings. It's wonderful to hear how you have been blessed.
Congrats!! My favorite part of spring is the new life that springs up and the sounds that come from nature. Waking up to birds singing and peep-frogs in the evening.
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